David Mitchell


Meet David, born and raised in Exuma by two seaplane pilots, David fell in love with airplanes at a very young age. He has been flying for nearly 20 years and has had the opportunity to visit every single island in The Bahamas.

David is a thrill-seeker and enjoys surfing, sailing, and spearfishing. He is happiest when on an adventure, exploring the beautiful and remote locations of The Bahamas. As a former marine salvager, he has an extensive knowledge of the waters and the terrain that make up this stunning archipelago.

As a licensed real estate agent, he has helped many clients find their dream homes in The Bahamas. With his extensive knowledge of the area and his keen eye for finding the best properties, he can help you navigate the real estate market and find the perfect home for you.

Whether you’re looking to buy or sell a home, he is the expert you need on your side.

“David is a thrill-seeker and enjoys surfing, sailing, and spearfishing”

Contact Info

+1-242-524-8149 david@thegoodlifebahamas.com +1.242.376.1008 | BAHAMAS

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